University of Durham
Project cost
Various projects to improve and repair listed University buildings
BTP were appointed as lead Architects on various projects to repair and upgrade the University estate over a 10 year period. The main projects included:
Alterations for Department of Palaeography
To create an extension to the Cathedral Archive within 15th Century former monastic building in the Cathedral Close (The College). This building holds books and manuscripts of great antiquity in a protected environment in compliance with Lord Chancellor's standards. It received funding from English Heritage and the Pilgrim Trust. The building also serves as a research library and book conservation centre. The building is Grade II* listed within a World Heritage Site.
Repair and Alterations to St Bede's College
To create a Department of Education, 60 study bedrooms, Education Department Library and teaching resource centre within a complex of Grade II 19th and 20th Century listed buildings. The scheme included a large element of sandstone repair and conservation as well as all of the specialist alterations.
Palace Green Library
Repair of the external fabric, alteration and upgrading of the Palace Green Library for the law and music departments. This included a library, rare book archive, teaching and exhibition areas, within a mixture of 15th, 17th, 18th and 19th Century listed buildings adjacent to Durham Cathedral. This is a World Heritage Site and most of the buildings are Grade II* listed.
Durham Cathedral and Durham University
Study of options to relocate Cathedral Monuments in the Cathedral Cloister adjacent to Monks Dormitory, or in adapted accommodation at '5 The College' with impact assessment on Grade I listed buildings on a World Heritage Site.
24th July
BTP completes two new housing schemes...
BTP is thrilled to announce the successful delivery of two...
24th July
BTP transforms former school site in...
We're pleased to announce the completion of the £6.5m redevelopment...
12th July
BTP goes 'netwalking' in the Peak...
We had a fantastic time on our invigorating hike around...