Elders of URC, Over, Winsford
Project cost
Over, Winsford
Programme of repairs to Grade II listed Church
BTP led a programme of repair works across two phases for this Grade II listed Church in Over, Winsford. Designed originally by renowned local architect John Douglas in 1867, the Church was in need of some urgent roof and stone repairs.
We worked with the Church to secure Heritage Lottery funding for a series of specialist high level roof and stone repairs, which formed the first phase of works. This involved working with specialists to provided a detailed schedule of repairs for accurate costings. A second phase of works has involved reroofing a flat extension to the roof.
24th July
BTP completes two new housing schemes...
BTP is thrilled to announce the successful delivery of two...
24th July
BTP transforms former school site in...
We're pleased to announce the completion of the £6.5m redevelopment...
12th July
BTP goes 'netwalking' in the Peak...
We had a fantastic time on our invigorating hike around...